Demotec 38: free of THFMA and MMA

With Demotec 38 it was possible to achieve the development of a cold embedding resin free of THFMA and MMA. Only low odors are emitted.
Also the new material is no hazardous material regarding transport. Being a two-component-resin, mixing is very easy. Please measure by weight 10 parts powder and 6 parts liquid. At roomtemperature the material has good flowability and cures very fast (5 Minutes). Mixed with 10:7 parts the flowability and the curing time will be enhanced.
Special characteristics:
- free of THFMA and MMA
- no hazardous material regarding transport
- low shrinking
- resistant against abrasion
- curing time: 5-6 minutes
- good flowabilty
- color: green opaque